With skills like that, you'll never fret.

We believe that moving images are crucial for digital communication. And we deliver exactly that. How we do our motion-magic? Let this wizardry explain itself...

Art Direction

Use our eyes to get the most out of your project. And our brains as well. Oh snap, just take every advantage you get out of us and we make sure to put everything together. We are more than animators and illustrators; we have an eye for detail, support with substantial feedback and are street-style-certified. We know the visual rules and codes and how to break them for maximum impact. So trust us, we know how to ball.


It all starts with an broad idea. To become the perfect experience for your audience we sketch things out first: You get a glimpse of what it will look like and we got ourselfs a roadmap for the final product. And we all are on the same page and know what to expect. That sounds quite boring adultly but will benefit the whole process to blast the fuck off through the stratosphere!!1!.


Illustration connects every skill that motmot has to offer and crafts it to a awesome and tasty visual symphony. It's our epitaph and deep down our DNA. Whether it's traditional, digital or even 3D: Our visual language is likely to be bold, strong and colorful. So whenever you hire us, be sure to get blown away by phenomenal visual wizardry.


Movement is life and we live to move. And everything that moves on your screen is a little bit more effective than an static image. It's no suprise that animation is the Holy Grail of communication. And we strive to lend it as often as we can to let you taste from it's wonderous liqueur. Now move already and give us that call!

Graphic Design

We know our shit. In fact we studied that shit. We come from a long line of graphic designers and feed from it's heritage. Ok, that last part's not true but you know we gamble hard when it comes to graphic design: Title sequences, social media content, packages, posters or all the things inbetween. And of course we can make anything static pop out even more with that good ol' motion.


Phat 3D is the place to be. In fact we model, shade, pose, animate and render everything you need; if it be game assets, background images, character animation or bold motion graphics. We craft the smallest image right up to complex animated commercials with our tasty CGI juice. And not enough: We know how to combine different styles to get that unique taste that few got, but all crave for.


Spotlight Project

Everything from above and even more of that...

Have a look how those skills combined form something that you can actually use for your brand; like a commercial.


Another kazillionaire bought the entire internets? Don't rely on social media itself: Be part of our ultra secret mailing club and get not so regularly news from yours truly motmot... xoxo!